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Conduits & Mana

Mana refers to the magical energy that courses through Crederia, and oftentimes courses through crederians themselves, either by birth or through magical mastery. Kanti's have a very intimate relationship with their mana and hold their relationship in high regard.

♦​ Conduits aka "Magic Patches"

Kantis are born with mana coursing through their blood and bones that physically manifests in the form of a Magic Conduit that traditionally runs along the back of their neck. 

Conduits come in many varieties, and additionally affect a few particular places on the Kanti, most notably their hornseyes, and hooves

A Kanti's mana functions as their core source of energy, akin to a machine running on fuel. While their mana is charged, their conduit points display the color evenly through them, and they can go about their day with ease; This is considered their Active state. Once it's time to sleep, or if they've exhausted themselves past their threshold and expended too much mana they charge down and go into their dormant state,

No matter the state they're in, a Kantis main conduit will never change color.

♦​ Active

The Conduits on a Kanti endlessly flow with mana, giving an almost imperceptible and subtle glow that is mostly visible in the dark. When active, their mana  is visible in the Horns, Hooves, Paw Pads, and eyes. 

  • Your Kanti's conduit should be any vibrant, easily visible color. This color represents their mana, the darker or lighter the color, the weaker their relationship to their magic.

  • Your conduit may not be very light or very dark. (will have color examples soon!)

♦ Dormant

A Kanti is capable of silencing their mana, settling into a dormant state, allowing the natural coloration of their horns and other mana points to show through. Once dormant, the conduits may only be reactivated after a Kanti has rested (about 8 hours) 
The main conduit can not be dormant.

Sometimes a Kanti can be forced into a dormant state, most commonly:

  • After a loss in battle, their body and mana drained.

  • After testing their limits for too long, completely exhausting themselves. 

In some rare, unfortunate cases, a kanti can be permanently forced into a dormant state, resulting in a dark, or pale Conduit.

♦ Societal Influence & Impressions

Kantis are a proud species, often boasted as the strongest among Crederia's many inhabitants. (though whether its by their own bookkeepers we can't know) Many say it's due to their connection to the magic of the land strengthening body and mind that they're able to triumph through hardship others may falter in. 

A Kanti's conduit is akin to a thumbprint, a unique magic signature that isn't shared by bloodline. Kanti may recognize that a friend or family member is near by picking up on their magic being nearby if they've been with one another long enough.

​Clothing is often tailored to display their conduits, as well as wearing accessories to frame their conduit points specifically.

♦ Battle

As is accustomed throughout many of crederia's kingdoms and cities, there will always be a form of celebratory battle either for entertainment, gain, respect, or punishment. For kanti, displaying your magical prowess and strength in battle is one of the quickest way to earn respect from their peers and is often lauded as a right of passage for anyone wanting to prove themselves. With the lands mana coursing through their veins, their bodies are sturdy and capable of withstanding much more than a normal crederian. 

New adults may be turned away from the general battle arenas and made to practice with a teacher before they're allowed in the public ring unless they've proved themselves otherwise.

Certain circles may also pit Kanti with beasts, either as punishment for a crime or as demonstration to others to show the dangers of what lies beyond the borders of their civilizations.

♦​ Dance

Kanti's may dance with one another in a show of friendship, courtship, or respect, oftentimes displaying magical prowess to make a good impression on others. A clack of horns may create magic sparks while the skidding of a hoof may leave a magical trail that draws the eye. Displaying your magic through dance is thought of as elegant and a form of art to be respected.

New adults are encouraged to participate to strengthen their confidence and mobility, oftentimes paired with other newcomers or offered to take classes with proper instructors.

Balls are held once or twice a year to encourage socialization and the craft of music, singing, dancing, and the arts.

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